Odours – They’re Not all from Us!!

Written on October 14, 2009 – 4:14 am | by maxine |

Probably one of the most aggravating things we hear is, “If you have cats or dogs, your house ALWAYS stinks!”  Talk about stereotyping a visible minority.  Sheeash!!  There outta be a law against such slander. Odours (if you are Canadian), or odors (if you are American), come from far more than your pets. Just smell […]

Hair Management!

Written on February 16, 2009 – 6:07 pm | by Buzz |

This is Sandi here. I see Buzz has been telling you about the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner.  I thought I should tell you another idea our family has used for hair management. We are all groomed with a FURminator. It is a handy dandy little tool that really does work, just like the videos say! […]

A BIG hairy situation!

Written on February 13, 2009 – 2:17 am | by Buzz |

In looking at the picture of all eight of us that live at our home, you can probably figure out that HAIR is a BIG BIG issue! Add to the eight cat and dog members of the family, we also have two ladies who have even more hair than us. Well, maybe not as much […]