Hello world! Greetings, salutations and woofs and meows to one and all!
Welcome to our new website. We look forward to sharing our lives and opinions with you. You need to know that ALL of us have very strong opinions on such things as foods, toys, beds, people, technology, climbing aparatus, dietary supplements, who is the real boss, and the list is almost endless. By the way, the ALL includes ALL of us cute girls and handsome boys who appear at the top of every page. Be sure to go to our biograhical information in the “About Us” section. Each of us have a sad story of how we came to be living in the wonderful place we now call home. Well, actually, Coby’s story isn’t really sad, but it is interesting. Our family scribe who happens to be human is Maxine and we dictate to her what will appear on OUR site – not her site!
2 Comments to “Hello world! Greetings, salutations and woofs and meows to one and all!”
I wanted to let you know that we just LOVE your Dog and Cat Views site.
What a fantastic idea!  Thank you for this uplifting tidbit. We have four cats, two of which are black and look a lot like your two black ones - one is all black and the other one has a white chest.
Love it!! My friend Leo also thinks it’s great! Do you have advice for keeping cat hair from clothes, especially black items??? Thanks
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