My Accident!

Written on June 10, 2009 – 2:00 am | by maxine |

Being a little dog has its perks, but also its drawbacks, as I discovered this week.  For one thing, my person, Andrea, lets me sleep with her and I just love being a live teddy bear, especially since I just hate sleeping or being alone.  Being small of stature means I can find places to escape to when Sandi, who is about 55 pounds, decides to display her love or excitement by slobbering all over me and pretending she is going to eat all 13 pounds of me!  Sometimes she flips me over onto my back and licks me all over — yuk!

This past Sunday (June 7) I had an accident.  Andrea’s mom, Maxine, always gives me and Sandi a treat right before she heads out the door to church.  As usual, I promptly took it to my hassock, which is like a padded footstool, where I generally enjoy any special treats.  As near as I can tell, when I jumped up I miscalculated and my two left legs slipped down between the couch and hassock and then proceeded to fall the 14 inches to the floor.  Ouch!  Man, did I scream.  Sandi started barking and trying to “eat” me in her excitement and out of compassion, several cats came running to see what had happened, and Maxine ran quickly to my rescue.  She felt me all over and decided nothing was broken.  Thank the good Lord for major mercies!  She put me into a kennel so Sandi couldn’t keep bothering me until everyone returned from church.  It is sad, but true, I don’t do pain well.  So, I moaned and screamed all day long whenever I had to move or they took me outside to relieve myself.  Fortunately, I slept most of the day.  My people decided I had probably just pulled muscles because I didn’t scream when they felt me all over.

On Monday morning I was screaming so much with the pain when I moved certain ways that they called and got an appointment with our vet.  We figure that when Andrea picked me up to take me into the car, something must have popped back into place because, by the time we got to the vet 30 minutes away, I wasn’t in terrible pain anymore.  In fact, Andrea told the vet is was like taking a sick child to the doctor.  Get there and voila, child is no longer sick!!  They took x-rays and confirmed nothing was broken and prescribed some anti-inflammatory medicine because I was still limping.

Even though they were expensive, it was a good thing about the x-rays because now we know that although I am only a young four-year-old Lhasa-Poo, I have several degenerated discs in my lower spine.  Several lower discs are severely compressed.  The vet says it is because little dogs have to work hard all the time to get pretty much anywhere that involves heights — up and down stairs, up on my hassock, up on the couch.  She said little fellas (and gales) like me are like springs — always springing (jumping) somewhere and it is hard on the discs and cartilage.  So, we now know that I, and all little pooches, really need glucosamine to keep their spines healthy.  Not just any glucosamine mind you.  It needs to be one especially formulated for dogs because dogs can’t utilize most glucosamine products made for people.  Sandi has been using “Glucosamine HCL Complex Liquid Formula” by Holistic Blend for years because she has had hip problems since she was a pup.  Now I get to be like the big girl Sandi is and get to take glucosamine.   Our people say “Glucosamine HCL Complex Liquid Formula” by Holistic Blend is the very best product they have found.  Sandi acts like a little pup when she gets it, and it tastes great!

I am feeling much better today thank you.  The vet suggested that my people get me ramps for getting up onto my hassock and Andrea’s bed and they can carry me up and down stairs sometimes to give my back a rest.  I’ll tell you another time all about the neat little ramp Maxine made for my hassock.  We won’t worry about a bed ramp because Andrea usually lifts me up and sets me down from it anyways.  Plus, the rebounder Sandi sleeps on at the foot of the bed is a good landing spot for me to get up and down by myself for now.

Hey, do you know of any good chiropractors for dogs?  Just let me, Coby, know.  I might be interested!

  1. One Comments to “My Accident!”

    1. CrisBetewsky says:

      It’s a pity that people don’t realize the importance of this information. Thanks for posing it.

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