Not Just ANY Water Will Do!!
I’m not sure but, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that my body is mostly water, just like human bodies are mostly water. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that all cats and dogs are made up of mostly water. I do know it is very important that we have access to ample supplies of clean water in order to be as healthy as possible. Yes, I know that sometimes cats and dogs who live on their own might drink some less than clean water but, then again, most of them don’t live long either! I also know that many pets drink tap water with no apparent negative effects, but not all of us, nor are humans, so fortunate to have no problems.
I have had a weak bladder all my life. My people prefer to keep us healthy on their own without rushing off to the vet for drugs and surgical procedures. So, since I was a baby kitten they have been giving me colloidal silver to prevent infections and to help my weak bladder. That has helped me to keep from losing control and peeing on the floor or other places by accident. They have also given me regular rounds of Nature’s Herbs for Pets urinary relief pills that are formulated by Dr. Victor Tse. We have pretty much always been given filtered water.
However, a couple of months back I passed blood in my urine and some BIG stones. Not nice! Because I pee into a Richell Cat Potty that has water in it rather than kitty litter, the stones were quite evident and my people were alarmed by the amount of blood I passed one day. That day they had been discussing the fact that in the town where we live there are lots of people who have kidney and gall stones. It is a major problem. Apparently, it has been suggested by many doctors that the stones people get can be caused, at least partly, from the water supply.
It was one of those lightbulb moments in the conversation when Mrs. Noah suddenly figured out the probable cause of the stones! Our two-leggers had bought a Berkefeld counter-top stainless steel gravity filter to produce filtered water when there was all that hype about the world coming to an end on New Year’s Eve of 1999! Even though the world did not come to an end, they decided to keep using the Berkefeld filter. All of us livestock members of the family were given the filtered water to drink and were doing well on it. However, for about six months we were also getting regular tap water. Let me explain.
Most cats prefer to drink water that is running so our people added a wishing well as our drinking fountain in the living room. It is all decorated up with artificial vines and flowers and it looks really nice. The electric two-level well has a small bucket that empties into a larger bucket below. We six felines drink the water as it flows out of the top bucket. Without thinking, Mrs. Noah had been filling it with tap water because it was faster than producing filtered water. The well is my most favourite spot to drink and drinking mostly tap water for about six months added up to lots of kidney stones! There have always been small water dishes throughout the house and they keep fresh filtered water in them all but the well is my favourite. Now only filtered water goes into the wishing well! If you have only one or two pets you probably don’t need a five gallon wishing well, but there are many small pet water fountains available in pet stores and you really need to get one. For sure the expense for one will be far less than veterinary trips and remedies.
Now they also give me seven drops of Miracle II Neutralizer every day. The Miracle II Neutralizer makes urine more alkaline balanced. If they are going to be away for a few days they add some Neutralizer into the water.
Guess what, no more stones, pains, or blood! Sandi, our big casheep herd dog, has also had similar problems and has been given the Nature’s Herbs for Pets urinary relief pills off and on for years and they have helped. But, since she started at the same time as me in getting the Miracle II Neutralizer drops and the filtered water exclusively she is doing so much better. She now rarely strains forever before she pees. It took about six weeks to get us both doing better and it seems that the filtered water and the addition of Miracle II Neutralizer is what turned the tables.
Andrea is considering having us both take a round of Omega Urinary Tract liquid to strengthen our urinary tracts but she is waiting to see if it will be necessary.
So, if your four legged family members, and hey, even your two legged members, have problems with urinary problems or stones, remember, what worked for us has been:
1. Filtered water – we use the Berkefeld counter top water filter system
2. Flowing water encourages more drinking – we use a wishing well
3. Colloidal silver to prevent infections (one dropper full a day). We use the Silver Gen machine to produce our own colloidal silver very economically, and even our people take silver to prevent infections and virus attacks
4. Miracle II Neutralizer – seven drops a day
5. Nature’s Herbs for Pets urinary relief pills – one to two a day, depending on the size of the livestock family member who is taking them. They are not for humans to take, but your health food store could recommend something. The herb, uva ursi, might also help if you make a tea out of it. We have had that squirted down our throats more than once and we survived!
There were several other totally unexpected bonus health benefits for me too when I started getting the Miracle II Neutralizer but, you will have to wait a few weeks before I tell you about them. I am out of time for today.
Until next time , from me – the BIG orange tabby fellow,
One Comments to “Not Just ANY Water Will Do!!”
Like your post on how water quality is important. The Miracle II Neutralizer has been proven to balance ph levels in both animals and humans. Providing a healthier state for cell growth and digestion.
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