Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Written on November 25, 2009 – 6:06 am | by maxine |


Yes, we know that the Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving on October 12 because in most areas of Canada, by the time the American celebration comes around, we are typically under lots of snow.  There is usually definitely more than just frost on the pumpkins where we live.  In fact, the pumpkins are all gone!  So Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who is celebrating the American Thanksgiving.

Probably there are people reading this who are in other countries who have celebrations of thanksgiving on other days.  So, in case we miss your special day, Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.

We livestock family members around here are thankful for food, clean and filtered water, fresh air, clean bedding, baths (well, maybe not all of us like baths – especially Pebbles who is ferocious about baths), clean toileting stations, hugs, kisses, and, for us dogs, long walks and playing in the back yard.  Our people take care of us to keep us healthy and comfortable.  They use safe and non-toxic products to clean our home and bedding and even us.  The Furminator and a special comb they use keep us groomed and looking sharp.  They keep us safely indoors and don’t let us be food for wild animals and predatory birds, or target practice for people driving vehicles!  They cut our toenails so that our feet don’t hurt, even though Gracie sounds like a wild screaming panther when they cut her nails for her.  What can you expect, she was about 15 or so years old before she had her first nail cutting experience!  The rest of us have had them done since we were babies so it’s no big deal.  Mrs. Noah knows some “old people” who have to pay money to get their finger and toe nails done regularly and so I guess it is a privilege for us to have them done for free!  With a handy dandy toenail cutter Andrea cuts over 5,000 toenails a year when you consider all eight of us four pawers.

You should sit down and write your thanks list. You might be surprised at all the things you have that you just take for granted.  Don’t forget to add onto the list things you can’t see or touch, like physical strength, a job, love. and so on.

Anyways, remember to go through life with an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE for all that you have and for all that God has given to you and life will be so much more enjoyable.  Live life, remembering that every day is a day for Thanksgiving no matter how much or how little you have.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Livestock Eight on this ark called earth.

Sandi, Coby, Gracie, Chester, Smokey, Pebbles, Buzz and Princess

  1. One Comments to “Happy Thanksgiving Everyone”

    1. Nora says:

      My Leo “submits” to nail cutting, with a bit of wriggling! But I have to pay to have my own done! Not fair!!

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