Happy Groundhog Day!
Mrs. Noah is NOT a winter person. She believes in staying snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug whenever possible. She figured this out years ago and it was confirmed when in January, 19 years ago some children at a church tobogganing party convinced her to go down the hill just one more time! Well, it was one time too many. Her tail bone has never been the same since. It took over a year before she could sit on the floor again without that all important bone making its presence felt. I can personally identify with her because somehow my tail was broken when I was but a few weeks old. To this day I still don’t like to have anyone touch my tail.
Actually, Mrs. Noah really likes the snow when it is freshly fallen and is hanging on the trees with the sun making it look like someone emptied bushels of diamonds on the world. The strange thing is, Mr. Noah never seems to appreciate those shovels full of diamonds in the least as he is removing them from the driveway!
This is a busy week around here since we put a lot of time into rearranging the downstairs office last week and now Mrs. Noah is running way behind in her schedule. I have quite a few things I want to share with you but can’t get her pinned down to take dictation this week. So, we invite you to read her blog entry for this week at http://www.joycenter.on.ca/blog It is all about how to handle the month of February. I know the plan works around here. In fact, as Mrs. Noah says, February includes the last week of January and, sometimes, even earlier, as it did here this year! That’s partly why we ended up in a major office rearrange last week that took three days to complete! So, read all about "Conquering The Fearsome Monster!" and how we deal with it here in the Ark.
Oh yes, we hope you were glad to hear that the groundhog apparently saw his shadow on Feb. 2 and he had a Happy Ground Hog Day!
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