Not Just ANY Water Will Do!!

Written on November 11, 2009 – 6:00 am | by maxine |

I’m not sure but, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that my body is mostly water, just like human bodies are mostly water.  In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that all cats and dogs are made up of mostly water. I do know it is very important that we have access […]

Once a Month Cooking

Written on October 7, 2009 – 5:00 am | by maxine |

  Feeding six felines and two canines can be costly.  But, around here, our people are always into saving money in every area and food is certainly a big “area” to be sure.  So, Buzz personally supervised the on-line research efforts made by Andrea some time back, taking into consideration the implications of the statement, […]


Written on March 17, 2009 – 2:37 pm | by maxine |

I know girls get more excited than us guys about birthdays but hey, it’s MY BIRTHDAY too! And, I am educated enough to know that it is also St. Patrick’s Day so maybe I’m Irish?  I looked and can’t find a green hair anywhere on my body.  When I throw up a hairball some think […]