Not Just ANY Water Will Do!!

Written on November 11, 2009 – 6:00 am | by maxine |

I’m not sure but, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that my body is mostly water, just like human bodies are mostly water.  In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that all cats and dogs are made up of mostly water. I do know it is very important that we have access […]

I LOVE My Bath!!

Written on August 19, 2009 – 1:00 am | by Buzz |

  For sure, yes, I LOVE my bath.  Which, since I am a cat and many cats HATE getting a bath, is, I know, a little strange.  But, my people got me started into the bathing routine when I was just a tiny kitten.  I have attempted to jump into the shower when it has […]